Sunday, 14 September 2008

Categories of complaint

 Laurie Taylor reviews the book Complaint by Julian Baggini in the Times Higher this week. The book, an analysis of complaint distinguishes between the following categories of complaint

“Impossible Complaints,Contradictory Complaints, Self-defeating Complaints, Nostalgic and Luddite Complaints, Paranoid Complaints, Conformist Complaints and Empty Complaints.”

I’m contemplating putting up a notice next to my desk:
We welcome constructive complaints but if your complaint falls into one of the following categories we are unlikely to be able to resolve it.
To be fair I mainly get grumbles rather than full scale complaints. At the moment these tend to be about on-line timetables, room allocations, blackboard, the portal (from people who haven’t selected the current academic year on their ‘my modules’ page) and the faculty intranet.

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