Friday 14 August 2009

Positive Thinking

 I’ve been practising positive thinking this week and have already felt lots of benefits at work. It sounds very glib but once you start thinking positively you can get more work done, once you get more of the tasks on your ‘To Do’ list ticked off you feel better and the postive cycle continues. Working here in Biological Sciences isn’t a bed of roses at the moment (See BBC News Job cuts at University of Leeds 3rd June 2009) and it is easy to slip into a cycle of cynism and negative thinking. We all know that negative thinking can make you ill and add to that the continual threat of a swine flu pandemic its really important to maintain a positive outlook.

One thing to be positive about is that of the three ‘highlights’ on the University web site home page at the moment two of them are about research done in Biological Sciences.

On a personal note I lost 2lbs at Slimming World last week and if I can do the same this week I’ll be 1 stone lighter than I was 10 weeks ago.

From a family perspective all four of my teenage children are now ‘in a relationship’ on Facebook. Having been in the same relationship for 27 years I hadn’t appreciated how important the ‘relationship status’ was and, of course, had no idea that you could send and receive ‘relationship requests’

On top of all that the sun is shining today and we haven’t necessarily lost the Ashes.

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