Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Conference blogging

 I had good intentions of blogging whilst at the Association of University Administrators (AUA) Annual Conference in Exeter but instead now have great admiration for anyone who manages it. I feel as if I have put a whole years staff development into one day (and given a paper of my own). All I’ve had time to do is update my twitter. I’m only finding time to blog now while I listen to the Archers (on-line) and wait for my hair to dry. It is the Gala Dinner this evening – a valuable networking session 

In case you think I’m making a bit much of the hectic schedule here it is
9.00-10.15 Writing and reviewing for publication.
10.30-11.15 Launch of the AUA CPD Framework
11.15-12.30 Pressures to succeed in a changing HE landscape
13.45-15.15 Leadership and management development for middle managers
15.30-16.00 The development of professional careers in UK Higher Education
16.00-17.30 Developing the student experience

Two more sessions tomorrow and then 6 hours in a minibus to get home. Have a happy Easter.