Selby High School had its Ofsted inspection yesterday and today. I spent a few hours at the weekend, and last night 'swotting-up before my interview with the HMI. I found some good advice via google e.g. from TES, from UK Governor Forum amd from some local authorities (Manchester, Swindon)
There were two governors at the meeting; our Chair and myself (Vice-Chair) and we were asked about the information that the School provided for governors and our involvement in reviewing and updating school policies. The HMI was particularly interested in the governors role in revising, reviewing and approving the School's Safeguarding Children Policy and how the School had explained the Fischer Family Trust data to the governing body. She was also interested in how the School's specialist status 'Performing Arts' has impacted on the School. We must have done quite a good job because at the feedback meeting the HMI said the "governors are effective and well informed" although this only translated into 'satisfactory'.
The full Ofsted report has now been published on the Ofsted web site.
The challenge is to improve the effectiveness of the governing body so that by the next Ofsted inspection we are ranked 'outstanding'. Quite a few local authorities have self evaluation and self review procedures for governing bodies that we could use to improve our effectiveness e.g. Lewisham. West Sussex run a course for Governors called 'From Good to Outstanding'. We would have to jump from satisfactory to outstanding but its good to be ambitious. I'm going to a governor training session on Stategic Thinking for Governing Bodies in May so the challenge is underway.